Out of this World Cafe

Picture of accessible entrance to the cafe

101 Stokes St, Toronto, ON M6J 0A6

Call: 416-535-8501 x33006

Located in the Queen West neighbourhood, Out of this World Cafe is a bright, accessible coffee shop offering breakfast, lunch, and snacks. Out of this World Cafe is a social purpose enterprise emphasizing community building and providing employment opportunities for consumer/survivors of the mental health system. It is open to the public, and located in the Bell Gateway Building within the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health.

Picture of service counter of the cafe

The Stokes Street entrance is level and barrier free. The front door is 34-inches wide and has  automatic features. There is a small vestibule, leading to a second 34-inch door (not automatic). Upon entering the cafe, there is ample turning space, and  various seating options including 29-inch, and 39-inch tables with removable seating.  Large white wipe boards with black writing display the options for food and drinks. The venue is very well lit thanks to large windows and noise levels are kept low.

Picture of accessible seating in cafe

A long, unobstructed hallway with handrails leads to the accessible washrooms shared with CAMH. The hallway and coffee shop both contain thin, non-slip carpets. The bathroom contains two accessible stalls each measuring 60x60 inches with a 36-inch door. The stalls contain a door hook, a horizontal grab bar above the toilet and an adjacent diagonal grab bar. The 126 inch long sink is 29 inches in height, with clearance space below. The faucet is automatic, and there are two height options for soap dispensers. The bathroom contains an adjustable angled mirror

Picture of accessible washroom 

If arriving by public transportation, the accessible routes are on the 63 or 29 bus, or the 514 streetcar. CAMH has street parking as well as multiple parking lots with accessible spaces http://www.camh.ca/en/hospital/visiting_camh/accessibility/Documents/SitePlanAccessibleParking.pdf